Foiled again

A step back, a step forward, a step back, and what do you have?

The hokey-pokey, of course.

Or a very real delay in closing on your new house, courtesy of the fence guy, who let us down by not showing up yesterday to hang the gates, thus delaying the final pool inspection, thus delaying the closing.


So, we’re off until Friday morning at the earliest, which means we can’t get the movers until Monday.


We’ve decided that we’ll start moving the plants and other outside stuff this weekend, to get it out of the way. Hell, I might even start throwing boxes in the car each time I go out there and just leave the big stuff for the movers. Or round up a few people, get a truck, and move the big stuff ourselves…

2 thoughts on “Foiled again”

  1. So what time shall me and muscles appear on Sunday?
    I bet there’s no food involved, so I’m working off my 50 buck deficit.

  2. We have no set time, as we’re just carting stuff over by and by. I won’t be cooking this weekend at all, sad to say. There will be massive amounts of coffee available, though.

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