The weather is here, wish you were fine

Wait, that’s the other way around, isn’t it?

This weekend has been spent hauling things out to the estate – we’re calling it the estate to differentiate it from the current house, since otherwise when we’re not together and someone says they are “at the house” it saves the time we would ordinarily be asking “which house”. So, the estate it is. I have bruises up and down the inside of each arm from toting things, because for whatever reason since treatment, it seems that I can bruise even with the gentlest of touches. And hauling boxes is not a gentle process when half your upper body is quite a bit weaker than the other half and you can’t really lift one arm the way you can the other. It makes for a little offbalance moving, but since we’re all a little offbalance, I suppose that’s fitting.

In any case, after a full day of back and forth on Saturday between the estate, the house, Home Depot, and the NOC a couple of times, with work in between each, I settled in and tried to sleep. Sleep, for me, has never been consistent and I can’t remember the last time it was ever really a good sleep (not including the times I was drugged up, of course, but a drugged sleep isn’t all that natural). Another fitful few hours later, and it was Sunday, so I got up to do it all over again. One trip to the NOC to crawl around and trace a power line that was mislabeled (by moi), and it was off to the races. Our dear friend Brutus showed up to help sling some boxes and see the house, but then things slowed down and we sat outside by the pool, enjoying the quiet, the breeze, and the beauty of the new place.

They completed the sod around the pool area and a line around the house, so I’ve been working to keep that watered since Mother Nature isn’t cooperating by giving us any rain.

While I was taking the second shot, a crazy person – aka, my mother – decided that she wasn’t going to let a little thing like 72 degree water stop her.

My sister also took a quick dip a little later in the day. Me? I’m cold enough as it is. I’d turn into a human popsicle if I climbed into that water.

In the meantime, the movers will be here on Tuesday now instead of today, but that’s fine. We’ll have satellite and the remaining two phone lines installed today, so those guys will be out of the way when the moving are bringing things in. That works out well. That also gives us another day to tote more of the little stuff over and gives me the chance to test the dialup out there and to start working on some of the outside landscaping/gardening things.

Ciao for now!

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