Working it out, Dec 15, 2015

A regular-ish morning, with a walk, breakfast, and a quick trip to the store. The afternoon, though, came with a rather late delivery from Fedex at around 2:30 of a couple of servers that needed to go into production immediately. That left me a choice: slap the installs on them, haul ass to the NOC to get them racked and then try to make it back through rush hour OR wait until after rush hour when the Construction That Never Ends on the highways would result in lane closures and detours no matter what route I chose, as quite literally, every route between here and there is under construction.

I choose the first option. I figured – incorrectly, as it turned out – that the crews would not start shutting down lanes until after the rush.  So, off I went, with a stop for gas, and I saw this across the road from the station (at Yellow Water, for those familiar with this station):

Chickens grazing

The guy with that plot of garden is usually growing something all the year round except for the couple weeks where it gets too cool even for the coolest of plants. It looked like lettuce, and the chickens were grubbing and pecking around his single group of plants there. His chickens? Who’s to say? This is the country, and seeing chickens wandering around unfenced is not unusual.

Made it to the NOC, hauled the forty pound servers in, got them racked, hooked up to the network, and hurried back out. As it turned out, it took me one hour and fifteen minutes to travel the 35-ish miles back to the ranch. Two disabled vehicles, one accident, and one closure of the center lane on the interstate, although there appeared to be no construction going on. I had a lot of music to keep me company, and used the time to flesh out some of the works in progress in my head. I also saw this guy hauling an incredibly heavy load on the trailer he was pulling.

Heavy load

Yes, that is a toy Tonka dump truck.  A definitely chuckle-worthy sight in the stop and go traffic.

After I finally made it home, I got my second treadmill session in and then went right back to work. Such is life when you own the business.


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