A way to get angry, and a way to get motivated

No, it does not involve brainless or rude clients this time.

The other day, I sat down and watched some documentaries, mostly (of course) related to food and the production of it, one after another.

We Feed the World – Subtitled. About the production o food in various countries and the lives of people who create it.

Our Daily Bread – No dialogue. Images of production and processing of foods from tomatoes to beef, and the people working on the lines or in the fields (or, in some cases, in what amount to hazmat suits, spraying down the vegetables).

The World According to Monsanto – This is, as you would imagine, about Monsanto, the giant conglomerate that controls a lot of how food is produced. The format is a little cheesy, with segments starting off with Google searches, but the information is sound. And a little scary.

The Future of Food – Primarily about GMO (genetically modified) and GE (genetically engineered) foods, and the companies that want to control food from the seed to the supermarket.

Food, Inc. – An overall look at how a handful of major corporations control about 80% of the food that is produced and the conditions under which livestock is raised and processed. There is also a segment on organic foods, and ironically, some of the more well known organic outfits are owned or are subsidiaries of giant multinational companies, something many people don’t know. There is also a segment on Monsanto’s “farm police” who go around to farmers and accuse them of infringing on Monsanto’s patents just because their GE crops cross pollinated into another field. I have to admit, this sort of thing as seen in various of these movies really did make me angry – and it’s why that while I hold a number of stocks in my portfolio, Monsanto will never, ever be one of those.

Watching all of these back to back is enough to get angry and disgusted, but also enough to boost up the motivation to grow some things on your own if at possible. And really, it is possible: you don’t need acres of land like I have (even though it will take years more of work for me to rehab the soil to make it viable, leaving me to grow in frames for the time being), and you don’t even need a huge back yard to do it. From people growing tomatoes in pots on their balconies to people who have built a couple of frames in their tiny back yards, it is possible to supplement or replace the often tasteless things you can buy at the store. And it will be something where you know exactly how it was grown, how it was handled, and who grew it. Because you grew it yourself. Anyone who has plucked a ripe tomato off a plant and eaten it while standing in the sunshine breathing in the green smell of plants and the gritty earth knows the difference. I highly recommend that everyone give it a try.

2 thoughts on “A way to get angry, and a way to get motivated”

  1. Been reading a bunch on this very subject. It is enough to make me change how I look at food forever! I want to make a change too!

  2. Put Fast Food Nation on your list to watch too. That one made me sick to think about all the people who eat that stuff.
    Ya know at one time a lot of those little organic farms, were just that.. then they sold out to larger then larger corps. I remember when some to them first started coming around with their trucks full of produce to the Good Earth Natural Foods store in Fairfax, CA.
    Now with the not really all organic USDA organics standards and Monsanto’s rule of all we eat, it is a real struggle finding clean food.
    We are fortunate where we live to have a lot of organic LOCAL grown food – even in the stores, but we grow as much in season as we can.
    I see Food and Water as the next oil….
    And Annette you are so lucky to have so much flat land to plant out..
    I have to ask… you plant so much do you have a ‘farm stand’ to sell, or do you use // put up everything you grow?
    You’re amazing.. in all the worlds you travel in.

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